Annual Membership Registration

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Annual Membership

An Annual member gives any interested breeder or past breeder the opportunity to be involved and remain informed with the Association and breeds activity. An Annual member receives a copy of each Poll Dorset Journal (three annually) and has the opportunity to attend all regional, state and national Poll Dorset meetings without voting power.

Personal Details

If you are under 18 years of age you can apply for an Annual Junior Membership. If you would like to do that, please tick the box below.
I confirm that I am 18 years or younger and would like to apply for Junior membership.

Contact Details

Add my email to the Flock Register
Add my phone number to the Flock Register

Access Details

Please choose a username and password so you can access your membership details online after your initial registration.

You can use your email address as your username if you like.

This username is already taken. Please choose another one.

